Country grammar lyrics meaning
Country grammar lyrics meaning

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At his advanced age, the remaining valuable little time of his life should have been used for worshipping the God, instead of wasting on learning a language. The story goes that when he was walking along the streets of Kashi, he was pained to observe an elderly man trying hard to learn Sanskrit grammar. The fourteen disciples are said to have accompanied him.

#Country grammar lyrics meaning pdf

Through disciplined senses and controlled mind, thou shalt come to experience the indwelling Lord of your heart! CANON BU-47H PDF Bhaja Govindam Slokam Lyrics in Telugu and English With Meaning

country grammar lyrics meaning

Perform these with care, with extreme care. This is the way of wealth everywhere.Ĭhant the holy name of God and silence the turbulent mind. Though death brings an end to everything, man does not gives up the sinful path. Distribute your wealth in charity to the poor and the needy. Take delight to be with the noble and the holy. Cast into hell they suffer there endlessly. Fools are they who are blind to the Self. See yourself in everyone and give up all feelings of duality completely. If you wish to attain the quality of Vishnu soon, have Sama Bhaava always. Your anger and impatience is meaningless. Who am I? From where do I come? Who is my mother, who is my father? Ponder thus, look at everything as essenceless and give up the world as an idle dream.

country grammar lyrics meaning

One who lives in communion with God enjoys bliss, pure and uncontaminated, like a child and as someone intoxicated. Oh Murari! Redeem me through Thy mercy.įreed from vice and virtue, onward he wanders. It is indeed hard to cross this boundless ocean of samsara. He then will have no altercation with Yama. Blessed with such vairagya, could any fail to be content? But only he whose mind steadily delights in Brahman enjoys bliss, no one else. Give up all attachments and renounce all comforts. Yet, devoid of jnana, nothing can give mukthi even at the end of a hundred births. Still in his heart, he is a wretched puppet at the hands of passions. Even then the attachment is strong and he clings firmly to fruitless hope. Seeing truth revealed before them, still the foolish ones see it not. Why this engrossment in thoughts of wealth? Is there no one to guide you? There is only one thing in three worlds that can save you from the ocean from samsara.

#Country grammar lyrics meaning free

Free yourself from the illusion of the world of Maya and attain the timeless Truth. Where are the relatives when wealth is gone? Where is samsara when the Truth is known? Each one of these are destroyed within a minute. Of whom are you? Where have you come from? Brother, ponder over these truths. Who is your son? Strange is this samsara. Old age passes away by thinking over many past things. But when the soul departs from the body, even his wife runs away in fear of the corpse. Know that the whole world remains a prey to disease, ego and grief.īut no one at home cares to even have a word with him when his body totters due to old age. Do not fail to remember this again and again in your mind. Be content with what comes through actions already performed in the past. Give up your thirst to amass wealth, devote your mind to thoughts to the Real.

country grammar lyrics meaning

Oh fool! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death.

Country grammar lyrics meaning